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SUNBRIGHT ME-050MA3 is a methoxy PEG maleimide with a 5,000 Da PEG chain. The maleimide group site-specifically reacts with thiol groups on bioactive molecules (e.g., proteins, peptides, and other biologics), resulting in highly efficient and quantitative PEGylation. Both its maleimide group and the resulting maleimide–thiol conjugates exhibit enhanced resistance to hydrolysis compared with the MA type because of their different chemical structures.

Methoxy-PEG-(CH2)3NHCO(CH2)5-MAL, Mw 5,000
Chemical Name: α-[3-(6-Maleimido-1-oxohexyl)amino]propyl-ω-methoxy, polyoxyethylene
Package size: 1g

*: make-to-order