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Q: How to purchase products online?

Please register on our website. ( click HERE ) 
After our verification, you will receive an activation confirmation e-mail, then you could purchase our products online. 

* Online shopping is currently US customers only. Outside US customers, please submit your request through contact form.


Q:  How to purchase products without pricing information?

Register>>Receive account activation e-mail>> Go product pages you are looking for>>Request pricing through "Product Inquiry" tab on the bottom of the page. 

"Price Link" will be sent by email in our operation hours: Mon-Fri 9-5:30 pm. EST.




Q: Submitted a price request, but no Price Link email was received.

We process your request during our operation hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-5:30, EST.
If you do not receive a price link email within that hour, please email or call us at 914-681-9700.






Q: Bulk order? Place an order using Purchase Order?

A: Please contact or call 914-681-9790 for details. 





Q: Handling / Shipping Fee?

Please click the link below.

Terms & Conditions




Q: Tax Exemption form?

A: When you ship to NY, CA, MA, CT, TX, and WA states, please send us your Tax Exempt certificate if you have one.
Fax: 914-681-9791
Email  at the time of your registration.

( Please ask your accounting department if you are not sure about the form)



Q: Will I be charged Sales Tax?

A: If you ship to NY, CA, MA, CT, TX, and WA states, sales tax may be calculated & charged. To avoid sales tax, please send us your tax exempt form at the time of registration to or fax it to 914-681-9791. 



Q: Why is my credit card being denied?


  • Make sure you have entered your credit card information correctly - it should be only numbers; no dashes or spaces.

  • Confirm that there are verifiable funds in the account.

If you continue to receive errors, try using a different credit card or please contact your financial institution.

If you have any issues or concerns, please contact us at or call 914-681-9790.