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[Continued] 1-1. SS-cleavable and pH-responsive Lipid Like, Material (COATSOME® SS-Series)

• Degradation of COATSOME® SS-OP


in vivo toxicity in comparison to a competitor lipid


• Examples of application

COATSOME® SS Series enables delivery of various compounds in vivo by features of its intracellular delivery ability and biosafety. SS Series particles can encapsulate pDNA, siRNA, mRNA, and hydrophobic low molecular weight
compounds, and have been proven in delivery targeting tumor, spleen, lymph node, and brain. In the following, we will introduce hepatic siRNA delivery data, hepatic mRNA delivery data, and lymphatic mRNA delivery data for RNA vaccine
application as examples.


•Hepatic delivery of siRNA


• Distribution of [3H] labeled LNPSS-EC                       


• Hepatic delivery of mRNA


• Gene editing (CRISPR/Cas9)


• RNA vaccine 


• Humoral immunity


• Therapeutic anti-tumor effect  New


in vitro transfection of mRNA


• Splenic delivery formulation New


• Lyophilized LNP  New


• Encapsulation: siRNA, mRNA, pDNA
• Efficient drug delivery into the cytoplasm of cells
• Biodegradability and low toxicity
• Controlled targeting of organs: liver, spleen, or lymph nodes
• Long-term storage of lyophilized LNP at 25℃
• Vaccine application (Humoral and Cellular immunity)


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