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2. Bi-Functional PEGs

Bi-functional PEGs are popular crosslinking agents for proteins and other pharmaceutical substances to improve their solubility. Recently, these PEGs are also applied for hydrogel components.

 molecular formula

molecular list



H2N-(CH2)3O-PEG-(CH2)3-NH2, Mw 3,400   

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H2N-(CH2)3O-PEG-(CH2)3-NH2, Mw 10,000   

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HS-CH2CH2O-PEG-CH2CH2-SH, Mw 3,400

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H2N-(CH2)3O-PEG-(CH2)3-NH2, Mw 20,000   

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NHS-OCO(CH2)5O-PEG-(CH2)5COO-NHS, Mw 3,400   

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NHS-OCO(CH2)3COO-PEG-CO(CH2)3COO-NHS, Mw 10,000   

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NHS-OCO(CH2)3COO-PEG-CO(CH2)3COO-NHS, Mw 20,000   

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