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COATSOME SS-OP is a specially designed ionizable lipid that plays a pivotal role in lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-based drug delivery systems, and offers exceptional performance in encapsulating and delivering nucleic acid therapeutics such as mRNA, siRNA, and pDNA. It features dual-responsive motifs: tertiary amines that destabilize membranes in acidic environments like endosomes, and disulfide bond that can cleave under the reductive conditions of the cytoplasm. These two units synergize for efficient intracelular delivery of encapsulated drugs with enhanced biosafety. Additionally, SS-OP contains phenyl ester bonds, which accelerate its degradability within the intracellular environment, improving delivery efficiency and low toxicity.

Key Features:

  • Reliable Encapsulation: Provides high encapsulation efficiency for nucleic acids, ensuring stability and protection against enzymatic degradation.
  • Efficient Drug Delivery: Offers an efficient drug delivery into the cytoplasm of cells and a higher mRNA expression with lower toxicity compared to benchmark formulations.
  • Proven Safety: In vivo studies demonstrate reduced hepatotoxicity, showing promising potential for clinical use.
  • Versatile Applications: Suitable for a wide range of therapeutic areas, including gene editing, mRNA vaccines, cancer immunotherapy, and other gene therapies where efficient nucleic acid delivery is crucial.

These features position SS-OP as a promising component in advanced drug delivery systems, particularly for gene therapy and vaccine applications.

MW:  1173.8
100mg in amber glass bottle.